New College 175 Events

Find details of all the events held as part of our 175th Anniversary celebration.

A festival of literature, religion and the imagination

A day of talks and panel discussions as we commemorate and reflect on the heritage of the Reformation and the future of the Reformed tradition

Register for this free symposium which explores the enduring legacy and essential lessons to be learnt from 9/11 in order to examine the significance of religion for politics today.

New College hosts a Lecture in Black History as part of Black History Month.

The Alexander Duff Lecture is an annual lecture sponsored by the Church of Scotland, and focuses on a missiological topic from an evangelical perspective

Scriptural Reasoning provides an opportunity for members of different religious traditions to gather together around sacred texts for discussion, exploration, and reflection across faith lines

A free online screening of Anote’s Ark, followed by a Q&A with Dr Seforosa Carroll

Register for the Future(s) of Theology and Religious Studies, hosted as part of the 175th Anniversary of New College.

The British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR) holds it's Annual Conference 6-7 September in partnership with the School of Divinity as part of the 175th Anniversary celebrations.

New College celebrates it's 175th Anniversary with a day of special online talks, panels and activities.

The School of Divinity celebrates its 175th Founders' Day on the 3rd of June 2021.

Former President of Ireland, Dr Mary McAleese, will deliver a virtual lecture in celebration of 175 years of New College.

Preaching Today – the third conference on this theme hosted by Ascend and New College, University of Edinburgh.

As part of our celebration of 175th Anniversary of New College Celebrations, and in honour of International Women's Day, The University of Edinburgh's School of Divinity is holding a panel event to talk about women in scripture.

To celebrate LGBT+ History Month and the 175th Anniversary of New College, we are thrilled to be joined by Professor Lisa Isherwood who will give a talk on Queer Theology.

The Centre for the Study of World Christianity (CSWC) contributes to the 175th Anniversary with a conversation about World Christianity at New College.

This year in honour of the 175th Anniversary of New College, we're releasing a special playlist of videos featuring some well 'kent faces from New College to take you through the running order of a traditional Burns Supper. #NewCollege175

Join us on Zoom as we welcome guest speaker, Eve Kugler, a survivor of the Holocaust, and hear about her experiences. Followed by a Q&A.

A special service to mark the start of the 175th Anniversary of New College.