Research study areas

Choose your focus from the wide range of options we offer as one of the UK's largest providers of research supervision in Theology and Religion.

Explore theoretical and practical approaches to topics such as politics, peacebuilding, ethics and materiality.

Investigate the Hebrew Bible and its context: poetry and prophecy, theology and ethics, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Engage deeply with the Christian past whether your interests lie in centuries long ago or the immediate present.

Pursue the interdisciplinary study of Islamic thought and practice, and encounters between Christianity and Islam.

Research early Christianity; its religious and historical setting, textual and literary criticism, and the history of interpretation.

Engage in the interdisciplinary study of the interaction between religion and literature across various religious traditions, sacred texts and literary genres.

Specialise in contemporary, historical or thematic research in areas such as Asian Studies, History of Religions/New Religions, and Jewish Studies.

Bring together the two great truth-seeking disciplines and explore how they challenge and inform each other.

Undertake a critical and creative engagement with Christian thought in a context of intellectual diversity.

Focus on studying Christianity from all parts of the majority world and amongst immigrant populations and indigenous peoples in Europe and North America.